Henry to Ethan: "Ethan, Aaron is a baby. He's so stupid. He doesn't even know what a hother is."
Ethan: "yeah"
Henry: "he doesn't even know what a basement is"
Ethan: "yeah"
Henry: "it's just a downstairs!"
Ethan: "yeah"
Henry: "He doesn't even know what a sweet potato is. He's never eaten one!"
Ethan: "I've never eaten one either..."
Henry: "he doesn't know what an avacado is!"
Ethan: "yeah!"
Henry: "yeah. But Aaron is a baby!"
Henry: "he doesn't even know what, um..."
Ethan: "you know Luke?... this is how Luke says yogurt, 'yo-GIT' "
Henry: "you know Lizzy?"
Ethan: "no. Who's Lizzy?"
Henry: "Lizzy only eats mama milk"
Ethan: "what's mama milk?"
Henry: "it's milk. Milk that comes out of mom's... mom's tummy"