Sunday, May 23, 2010

Literature vs. Science

You may or may not have heard about our Edgar Allan Poe action figure (A souvenir from a March Meeting held in Baltimore) WELL... It was of late rediscovered. Henry has again been carrying the thing around. He was showing me some of the features and components to "Eggar" or "The Black Guy" when (Edgar wears black because as we all know, he was kind of a macabre character) I decided to ask him, finally, "Why do you like that toy?"
He replied, "I like him because he's black and he's Eggar and he's not the white guy."
The white guy?
Yes, we have an Einstein action figure too.
Literary Win
General Relativity FAIL! Take it.

Friday, May 7, 2010

too many brothers

I was holding Elizabeth yesterday and Henner kept saying "I like him a lot, do you like him too?"
I couldn't figure it out- him who??
WHO IS HIM? So I asked.
He still doesn't know that babies come in two genders.
Too many brothers.