Thursday, December 16, 2010


Henry to Ethan: "Ethan, Aaron is a baby. He's so stupid. He doesn't even know what a hother is."
Ethan: "yeah"
Henry: "he doesn't even know what a basement is"
Ethan: "yeah"
Henry: "it's just a downstairs!"
Ethan: "yeah"
Henry: "He doesn't even know what a sweet potato is. He's never eaten one!"
Ethan: "I've never eaten one either..."
Henry: "he doesn't know what an avacado is!"
Ethan: "yeah!"
Henry: "yeah. But Aaron is a baby!"
Henry: "he doesn't even know what, um..."
Ethan: "you know Luke?... this is how Luke says yogurt, 'yo-GIT' "
Henry: "you know Lizzy?"
Ethan: "no. Who's Lizzy?"
Henry: "Lizzy only eats mama milk"
Ethan: "what's mama milk?"
Henry: "it's milk. Milk that comes out of mom's... mom's tummy"

Monday, December 6, 2010

So long, Frank Lloyd Wright

I recently watched a documentary about Frank Lloyd Wright. I think I really don't like him. So I says as much, via my faceboooaorf status. To which my sister and some other funny people replied. Then Tyson commented. (as me) Then I laughed until I cried. Then I changed the laptop desktop wallpaper to pictures of Frank Lloyd Wright. Then I pointed to all the pictures (for there were several) and said, "He would approve of that, he was very humble." And then Tyson says "yes, but only if the pictures were facing away from the street" !!!! OH man. Laughter ensues.

what Tyson said:
"plus, he's an egotistical robber baron"
(he's not a robber baron, FYSA)
P.S. I still love Simon and Garfunkel, even after all these years.
Also, Paul Simon is shorter than me, which is neat.
Also, I now have 'Call me Al' in my head again. THANKS A LOT, FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT!!!