Friday, September 14, 2007

sleeping in

I was talking to my husband recently and we (I) came to the conclusion that I had not slept in past, say, 9:00 for about a year. This is due in large part to him (husband) having to chaperone a teen sleepover or similar every other weekend and also to me being pregnant. I hate being pregnant. I am so uncomfortable when I am pregnant that I cannot sleep. I love to sleep, too.

I had a backache this morning, they start in my back and before long the ache turns into a clench and it moves all the way to my stomach. The first time this happened I thought that I had a stomach ache. I took some Tums. Tums do not work on backaches. I stayed in bed even after Ty took the bus to work. Even though the kids were already up. I thought, they can wait for breakfast for another half-an-hour. I heard some screaming. I waited it out. Austen came in and told me he accidentally hurt Henner. I went then to check on Henry. To my surprise, he was in his high chair. With a bowl of cereal. With milk in it. AND a sippy cup full of milk. Austen had a similar setup on his side of the table. I called Ty. "did you feed the kids breakfast?" He did not. Austen did!

My 3 year old got bowls down, got cereal out, poured cereal, got milk out, poured milk, got sippy cup out, filled sippy cup and made breakfast for himself and his brother. The only thing missing was spoons. Kids can eat cereal without spoons, though. I was so proud. I used to think he was behind on stuff because he didn't talk or dress himself as soon as other kids. Tyson and I came to the conclusion that Austen is a man of action. He doesn't talk about making breakfast, he does it.

I kid. What a smart boy! I am so proud of my little nephew. That story almost made me cry. I miss you guys so much.
-Posted by Sarah on Friday, September 14, 2007 - 1:37 PM

Austen is a lot like his mama, self sufficient and a caregiver. Love the bubba
-Posted by Brookiemom on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 - 4:33 PM

sarah told me this story it is great, what an awesome kid!
-Posted by Mommy of Many on Thursday, September 27, 2007 - 9:37 PM

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