Saturday, February 23, 2008


Okay. So I am some kind of television producer or something and I am a very good friend of the actor, Hugh Laurie. I think I worked on a show with him. I think the show was House but I'm not sure. That would make the most sense. Anyway, Hugh goes on a vacation to France during the middle of a storyline and dies. I am positively undone by this, not only because we are very good friends but because he is an actor on my show and what am I going to do now? I can't even tell you how upset I am about this death. At this point I actually begin questioning how I am going to go on with life without him. So, I start thinking about who I am going to get to replace him, both in my life and on the tv show. Crazy, I know, because Dr. House is irreplaceable as a character and as a friend. The best person I can come up with to replace him is Robert. The one that lives with Terry. Except then he dies too! So then I go to a gladiator-style dogfight with little red chihuahuas with horns versus fierce bunny rodents with a partiality for the flesh of other animals. This is some kind of animal-gladiator/dinner theater because I am expected to eat during this spectacle. There is even glass like at a hockey game to protect the diner/viewers from getting the entrails of dying chihuahuas in our meals. I couldn't do it. But this didn't stop my dining companion from nodding and smiling at me every time she took a bite, trying to convince me that the food was good. I didn't doubt it was good, I just couldn't eat it after all I had been through what with Hugh dying and my show going under with no star and all the carnage. That is all.

1 comment:

The Snarky Mommy said...

Crazy, but entertaining.