Friday, September 18, 2009

What's in My Heart

We went to the nature preserve today. God's Creation is beautiful. I saw the evidence today! If you don't believe there was a Creator... I've got the documentation right here! Anyway, when we got home we were all tired and a little worn out but happy. Very happy. My boys were well behaved and energetic and had a wonderful time. We were unloading our spent picnic, cleaning up, and preparing the little ones for nap when I looked around me and saw more of God's miraculous creation-my 4 beautiful boys. I grabbed the nearest 2 and held them tight. I said, "I love you so much right now, my heart is full!" Henry, ever the optimist, exclaimed, "... full of toys!" I laughed. Austen got it, he said, "No, Henner, full of much love."
I couldn't have said it better myself.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Henry's fish, Jacker (yes, the fish's name was Jacker) had just died. I was in the process of flushing him down the toilet. Aaron caught me in the act. To lighten things up I said, "Say goodbye to Jacker," Aaron waved goodbye. Then as Jacker was circling down, down, down, Aaron stops waving and blurts out, in a startled/mournful voice "Nemo!"

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sitting on the couch one day, I was approached by my 4-year-old son, Henry. Henry looked down at the end table, which was covered with a layer of spilled breakfast cereal and asked, "Who did this, was it Aaron?" It was indeed Aaron who had spilled the cereal and then wandered away, leaving the mess. "Yes," I replied, "It was Aaron. He's such a bad boy." To which Henry responded, looking me right in eyes, "Then you must destroy him."
I laughed, how could I not?
Henry, ominously: "You must never laugh at me."

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Henner turns 4

His "Birthday Cereal" which he picked because of the pirates on the box
the "Chocolate Mario Cake" that he talked about for months

Jacker and company who are now defunct