Thursday, January 31, 2008

oooh, treasure

Last night, led by our fearless pregnant butterfinger-eating leader, the Cubby Bears made Treasure Jars. A Treasure Jar is a baby food jar filled with, what else- treasure. (beads, coins, glitter, and colored corn syrup) We gave the kids 3 or 4 pennies each to place in thier jars. My son kept holding back some of his pennies. We kept giving him another and another, thinking we had missed him or that someone took them. We were dealing with 8 or 9 children all 4 and under so things were getting somewhat chaotic. No one took his "cunnies" he was hoarding them. Greedy? Selfish? No. He was saving them, he said, to send to his Nana so she could fly on an airplane to come visit him. Sweet, sweet boy.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Don't ask. Okay, you can ask... but you might not like the answer.

That's all.

I guess I do want to die on this hill...

Tyson tries to be a good husband. Does he succeed? Of course. And that is what I emphasize, that he is a good husband. If I emphasize the attempt, it is perceived as failure. Yay! Tyson wins!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What a good wife you will be.

I thought about it and decided that I am the worst wife/friend/mother ever. The end

Monday, January 28, 2008

I lied

This is a conversation my kids had with Aunt Sarah (my sister)
Austen: "Hi."
Henner: "Hullo Sawah."
Sarah: "I miss you guys so much!"
Austen: "Come over."
Austen: "Hey, Sarah, you come over and play trains sometime because you didn't bring Tobe here."
Sarah: (laughter)
Henner: "What's that?"
Henner: "Why you big won't. What's that?"
Henner: "Pop ossa weethow." (pop goes the weasel)
Sarah: (laughter)
Austen: "I am a pirate ship."
Henner: "Look. A baby. A baby thing."
Austen: "I am on a pirate ship."
Sarah: (laughing) "This is priceless."
Austen: "I am not a pirate ship, that is a pirate ship. Get on the pirate ship."
Henner: "I push the bunnon." (button)
The End.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

On this date in history

As it turns out

We just got home from Christmas Vacation in Oregon. Many things happened on this trip. Two of the most significant are:

1. I decided I am not an Oregonian anymore. Sorry, folks. I am so over Oregon. I guess I am a Midwesterner. As much as I hate myself for saying that, it is true. I do not love my home state anymore. I got (really really really) tired of my pant legs being wet all the time. I asked my sister and my mom "does it ever stop raining?" Does this make me a traitor? Possibly. An honest traitor, but a traitor nonetheless.

2. The Lord changed my heart. If you know me at all, you know that my husband's grandmother makes me crazy. I could't stand to be around her. Something about the woman rubbed me the wrong way. I have struggled with this for years. I had a particularly hard time with it when she came to visit in June when Aaron was born. So, I prayed about it. I asked my friends to pray for me while I was gone. I knew that the change had happened when I found myself in a room, alone, with Grandma towards the beginning of the visit, watching 'Deal or No Deal' (which I don't even like-due to the forced suspense, I am already prone to anxiety attacks without this nonsense) We were watching it together, commenting on the contestant, her choices, the "figures" of the models, and Howie's choice of ear adornment (always excellent, in my opinion). Later on during our visit, I noticed that I hadn't seen Grandma much and I realized that I MISSED HER. I know this change wasn't of myself, or anything I have done or worked towards because, to be honest, I never worked hard on liking Grandma. God changed my heart towards Grandma. I love Tyson's Grandma!