Thursday, December 15, 2011

Chef Pierre

Pete is bursting with pride.
He was literally dancing circles around me.
He made his own dinner you see.
He found a grilled cheese sandwich in the fridge wrapped in foil, (who knows how old it was)threw the foil away, placed the sandwich in the microwave, hit the correct buttons,(!)and then ate it.
I was in bed but Annie saw the whole thing. When I got up he was dancing around me (with his mouth full of you guessed it: grilled cheese sandwich)singing:
"Petah maka sammmmwish''
No way, you say?
The boy is way too cute.
At least I think so

Monday, December 12, 2011

"Aaron hates losing" or "Aaron gets it, why can't you?"

Last week I had to go down to the church during school to return a book to the library and to get a new one. I left the two smallest children at home with Annie and took Aaron with me. On the way there, Aaron wanted to race me so I ran. Of course I ran faster than him and he hates losing so he started urging me to to hold his hand, knowing it would slow me down. Naturally I refused and kept running. As we neared the end of the parking lot and approached the grass area beside the church I decided to show off a little and leap over one of the parking bumpers. I, of course, tripped, as one tends to do when one is showing off. Since it was a trip at high speed, I ended up rolling. My ankle and me, finishing up with a summersault and landing face first, nose mashed into the grass. My ankle did hurt but mostly I stayed down there in the grass because I was laughing so hard. Aaron panicked, assuming I was dead or similar. After a few moments he realized I was laughing and joined in, "you fell and that was funny, mommy," confirming my long held belief that: "Falling is always funny."