Tuesday, July 22, 2008


1. I hate chain letters and e mails and refuse to perpetuate any similar nonsense.
2. I HATE nonsense
3. I am not a baby factory.
4. I AM 5'4''.
5. I like the cookie part of twix, not the caramel.
6. I am tired of being consoled, I AM happy we are having a boy.
7. (optional) I am in kind of a bad mood.


The Snarky Mommy said...

also you are kind of snarky and that is why I love you so very much!

Unknown said...

Do you need a phone call??

Dustin Hubbart said...

I am not done talking about it. 29 is a cool age because that means next year is 30. ROFL

Maybe that could be number 8 on your list.

specialbekah said...

True, 30 is after 29. Good math skillz, Dusti.