Thursday, November 17, 2011

jury duty

Servo's got jury duty. She is taking it very seriously. She's texting me while she waits for instructions! Let me show you...
Servo: Some guy brought a notebook. What a suck-up.
The sea captain is a sea captain.
Servo: And a pen. He wishes he were a lawyer.
me: what's with the sea captain?
Servo: This guy wearing a red turtle neck and blue knit cap
Servo: and a biiiiig white beard
me: Santa Waldo?
Servo: Think ye olde time sea captain
Me: Veteran of His Majesty's Royal Navy?
Servo: Less classy
Me: arrrrr
Servo: He's awesome. I'd serve with him.
Me: In the Royal Navy or the jury? Cuz you know woman can't serve in the Royal Navy...
Servo: Jury. Obviously.
Me: I'm pretty sure American's can't serve in the Royal Navy either...
Servo: They'd let me in.
Me: Probably.
Me: Benedict.

Servo: I've seen Law & Order - I've got this.
Me: dun dun dun dun dun

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