Thursday, January 31, 2013


So I had a dream that me and ann hathaway were hanging out with Britney Spears. Britney was complaining about how frizzy her hair is because of all the damage she has done to it. So I asked her if it was as frizzy as that chick in the movie the Princess diaries. Then I asked her if she could go get me a fork so that I could eat the stew that Steve Carell made for me. He was carrying around this big-box it looked like a walkie-talkie but it was really a radio and a cell phone combined. It was white. She brought me three Forks. When Steve Carell brought me my stew he had to walk through a large body of water. He didn't want to get his radiophone wet so he was holding it Far far above his head. Then I ate my stew. Then I complemented Britney on her crimped hair. I only used one of the forks to eat my stew.

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