Thursday, May 14, 2009

dream dream dream

I had a dream I was in a musical version of Pride and Prejudice on roller skates and my coach was Richard Dreyfuss.
I think I was Mrs. Bennett, but I don't know for sure. I just remember my knees hurting. (which they do in real life right now-thanks to this Mastitis infection of death) It was a performance and a competition and the opposing team kept putting like, 6 or 8 different kinds of salt on the skating surface.  This fascinated my coach, Richard Dreyfuss, who was surprisingly gullible in real (dream) life.  I kept sweeping it up with my scrub brush, hoping no one would notice what I was doing.  Then i was at County Market (grocery chain in Champaign) and I bought some stuff. It was just regular food
but I felt so guilty so I returned it all with the excuse that I would come back and buy it next week when I had some cash.  They felt so bad.  Then Aaron tried to escape so I had to go catch him. When I got back, my shopping cart was full of even more food which the store had given me but I didn't figure that out so I was walking around the store asking people if it was theirs.  Oddly enough, some people said that it was theirs, so I gave all the food away. But I had really wanted a steak sandwich. In my dream a steak sandwich is not what it is in real life; it is a sandwich with steaks as the bread in addition to a tasty meat filling, and I think some avocados. Sounds good, right? I wouldn't know, I didn't ever get one.

also, once I convinced my mom that Julia Louie-Dreyfus was married to Richard. She believed me. It was funny.

1 comment:

Tyson Olheiser said...

Dont be bashful. Just admit this really happened and stop pretending like it was a dream.